Best of the Mediterranean # 4 – Dwejra, Gozo

Dwejra, Gozo is the site of a huge collapsed cavern that has been invaded by the sea. Now called Dwejra Bay, the collapse of the cavern has formed the most amazing anchorage for yachts.  The horseshoe bay is surrounded by soaring vertical cliffs and is guarded by the brooding bulk of fungus rock at its mouth, which means you need to enter it from two narrow channels which adds to the appeal for a yachtie.

Until recently there was a feature called the The Azure Window just next to Dwejra Bay.  This huge rock arch collapsed in 2017 after a large storm (the sea down here gets rough). The Azure Window jumped to fame when the area was used for on location filming for Game of Thrones…this saw the tourist numbers soar. But with the Azure Window no more, the number of visitors has dissipated, and to be fair there is no real reason to visit this part of Gozo unless you are in a yacht and can enjoy the remote and secluded anchorage with its deep blue water and sublime sunsets.

For us, it was one of the most memorable anchorages in the Mediterranean.


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